I have been practicing Reiki since 2009. As I felt limited with whom I could practice hands-on Reiki with at that time, I did a lot of distance Reiki. I sent Reiki to those in need of healing, sent it to appointments I had scheduled, and even to therapy sessions I had scheduled with clients. I had noticed many positive results from doing so.
While I continue to accept and practice distance Reiki on a regular basis, the majority of the requests I receive are for healing energy for those suffering from physical ailments.
Since December 2013, I felt drawn to offering a few individuals distance Reiki to promote their small businesses/practices. I treat them the same as I would any other request by sending what is for the highest good and for the best, and for letting go of any fixed expectations.
There is no greater feeling than being able to bring joy to others! Typically, I don’t receive feedback from those who have submitted Distance Reiki requests. When I receive requests through email, I add the name of the person to the distance board for a month or so and each time I complete a session of sending prayers and distance Reiki I will post a comment on Facebook and Twitter as a way to inform those who submitted requests.
Recently I followed up with those individuals whom I offered to send distance Reiki to see if they have noticed any positive changes, growth, or anything positive in terms of their practices. The excitement of the responses was wonderful! I was excited to hear not only did they receive subtle and noticeable changes with their motivation, outlook, and overall well-being of their personal lives, but how different people and connections have fallen into place and doors opened leading them to growth and development of their small businesses. They described personal growth within themselves as well with positive changes with their beloved practices!
New Perspective of Reiki
There is nothing more pleasing than knowing that our dreams can be supported by something greater than us! It’s one thing to hear other people’s experiences about Reiki, but to experience it and observe the changes first-hand goes beyond any literal explanation. Reiki has a way of assisting on many different levels and sometimes it’s difficult to put into words the effect Reiki can have on our lives.
I almost forgot how powerful and effective distance Reiki can be. It’s easy to think that hands-on Reiki is powerful. However, it goes to show that distance Reiki can be just as beneficial and supportive as hands-on sessions. It also reinforces that we all are interconnected; our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. While this is a given that the highest and best will be supported through Reiki, the feedback has reinforced my belief, realization, and understanding that the Universe and God are at work to listen and answer are requests.
If you have never received Reiki or received it on a regular basis, it’s worth a try! If you are open to positive changes you may be amazed with what you observe.
Want to be added to the Distance Reiki board or try Reiki in person?
If you would like to be added to my Distance Reiki board, please feel free to contact me! If you are interested in a healing session with me, you can schedule an appointment here!